Home Banking Bank For International Settlements: Know About Them!

Bank For International Settlements: Know About Them!


The Bank for International Settlements also called as “BIS” is an international financial institution owned by central banks which “fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks”. The headquarters of Bank for International Settlements is in Basel, Switzerland. Bank for International Settlements is established in 1930 and is owned by 60 central banks, representing countries from around the world.

The Bank for International Settlements objective is to serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to promote the development of international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks. BIS aim is to provide the products and services that can help your business expand into global trade markets and succeed there. They do not accept deposits from or provide financial services to, private individuals or corporate entities, However 140 customers, including various international financial institutions, currently make use of our services. Most of the assets held by the Bank for International Settlements consist of government and quasi-government securities plus investments with commercial banks of international standing. The BIS is a forum for discussion, policy analysis, and information-sharing among central banks and within the international financial and supervisory community to serving as an agent or trustee in connection with international financial operations.

The central banks traditionally look for safety, liquidity, and return, which are central features of their placements at the Bank for International Settlements.

  • Bank for International Settlements provides safety with the exchanges. BIS maintains a superior credit quality and exceptionally strong capital position and also our investment strategy focuses on combining diversification benefits with intensive credit and market risk analysis.
  • Bank for International Settlements ensures liquidity, we stand ready to repurchase our tradable instruments at little cost to our customers and thus respond quickly and flexibly to their needs.
  • Bank for International Settlements is able to offer an attractive and competitive return on the funds deposited by central banks and international organizations.

Bank for International Settlements offers:

  • Foreign exchange and gold services
  • FIXBIS: Fixed-Rate Investments at the BIS, available for any maturities between one week and one year.
  • Tracking money market instruments, Sight/notice accounts and fixed and floating rate deposits, etc.,
  • Attractive investments are key in BIS.


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