Home Banking Know About Banking Ombudsman In Delhi

Know About Banking Ombudsman In Delhi

Banking Ombudsman Delhi

The banking ombudsman in Delhi and other parts of India is a process set up by the reserve bank of India, with effect from 1995. The rules were amended in 2006 with the objective of enabling customers to resolve all their banking issues faster. As per the due process, the RBI appoints a senior official as banking ombudsman and appoints over twenty ombudsmen. For example, if you have a complaint against your Delhi based bank, then you would have t approach the banking ombudsman in Delhi to register and file your complaint. The same procedure is followed, where you would be required to raise your banking related issue with the ombudsman located in your particular city.

How to register a complaint with the banking ombudsman in Delhi?

When it comes to registering your complaint with the banking ombudsman in Delhi or one located in any other city, the first thing that you need to do is to ensure that you have raised the issue first with your bank. It is vital that you meet with the senior management in your bank and apprise them of the banking related issue and file your complaint in written form so that there is an actual record. Your bank would have a grievance cell, file your complaint in a written form and if you are still not satisfied with due process or if the issue has not been resolved satisfactorily, then you can approach your banking ombudsman to raise the same.

The actual process

Once you file a complaint against your bank with the banking ombudsman in Delhi, he would then initiate contact with your bank and try to mediate the issue. He would make all attempts to resolve the issue failing which, he would attempt to seek out a mutual settlement or resolution, failing which he would then require both parties to present their case with required documentation. And after a review of the same, he would make an award in favor of one party or the other. This is how the process works and it should also be pointed out that over the last year, over 70% of baking related complaints were mutually settled between both parties.


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